by Karen Carps | Feb 13, 2025 | Web Design
If you ever wondered whether little changes make a big difference, try this experiment. Place one piece of paper in a pile on your counter each day for a month. One piece isn’t much, right? But once they start adding together, they make quite a pile. Little...
by Karen Carps | Dec 5, 2024 | marketing, Nonprofit
“I hate the word ‘marketing’ when it comes to church.” This is an actual statement I once heard in a meeting with a client. I get it. Marketing feels icky and brings to mind images of used car salesmen doing anything to make a buck. It...
by Karen Carps | Oct 24, 2024 | Web Design
Everywhere you turn, you’ll find tools to help you build a website yourself. Everywhere. Even the Super Bowl has ads for website hosting and building. Almost every podcast I hear has commercials for ecommerce platforms. I’ll scroll social media and see an...
by Karen Carps | May 23, 2024 | Web Design
Here you are, ready to create a website. Yay!! You’ve got your color scheme, a template, and some other basics. Now you need to figure out what to call your website. Whether you’re a marketing beginner or old pro, choosing the right domain name can have a...
by Karen Carps | May 16, 2024 | Web Design
Did you know that a muted trombone makes the sound of the adults in Peanuts cartoons? I bet you could hear the sound in your head as soon as you read that. In fact, I’ve heard that sound in my head during boring meetings. Someone drones along in a monotone...
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