
Let’s dig deep into your business and find the absolute best routes for you.



Where do you start when it comes to your web presence? Your website should be your most valuable employee and should directly advance your goals. Otherwise, what’s the point?

But how do you get to the place where your web presence helps you move toward those goals?

When you leave for a trip, you evaluate all your routes and choose the one that will get you to your destination most efficiently. Your digital marketing is no different. That’s why a Roadmapping session is a must.

The roadmapping session with Karen was very helpful in that it first allowed me to really focus on who my client was and what I was going to offer. Then a plan of attack was created so I know right where to start to grow my business. Extremely useful!!

Jenny Christner

Owner, Christner Strategies

Why Roadmapping?


A Roadmapping session has several purposes. First, it allows GuppyFish Web Design to get to know your business inside out before making recommendations about your web presence. Second, it gives us a chance to work on a small project together to find out if we have good chemistry and work well together. If not, no harm done! Last, it allows you to see all the options to help you get where you want to go in your business. You’ll also receive a proposal for GuppyFish to complete the project. If you decide to go elsewhere, that’s ok too. All the solutions presented in our session are yours to take wherever you like.

During your Roadmapping session, we will dive deep into your business. What are your goals? Where do you want to be in 5 years? What path should you take to get there? What’s the value of an average customer? How can we raise that? The possibilities go on and on. Get more details about what your session will entail right here.

The End Product

After our session, we’ll give you a detailed report of everything we discussed and the options available to you. This report belongs to you. If you decide to take it and have another company implement the ideas within, that’s ok. Seriously.

You’ll also receive a proposal outlining the solutions and how much it would cost for GuppyFish Web Design to implement them. After this detailed session, you’ll know exactly what you need (and what you don’t). You’ll also know what solutions could wait until later. As a result, we can give you an accurate proposal that includes only what you absolutely need for success, and no unnecessary “bells and whistles”. You don’t want to pay for what you don’t need!

The path to your goals starts with a Roadmapping Session.

Roadmapping prices start at $750.

Thank you so much once again for the Roadmapping session. Karen was a delight to work with and gave a very clear and informative presentation. She was engaging, humorous and highly knowledgeable.

Bob L.

Pastor, Huguenot Road Baptist Church

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