by Karen Carps | Jan 19, 2023 | Professionalism
For many years, I’ve wanted to write a “What your Web Professional is too Scared to Tell You” post. It’s molded itself and taken shape in my brain. It hasn’t always been very friendly, but it would be brutally honest. I realized that what...
by Karen Carps | Aug 30, 2022 | marketing
HEY LOOK!!! A BANDWAGON!!!! LET’S JUMP ON IT!!!! In the marketing world, we see that a lot. Some cool thing comes around and we see someone have success with it, so it will certainly work for us, too… right? The most recent bandwagon seems to be QR codes....
by Karen Carps | Apr 26, 2022 | marketing
Not everyone wakes up one day and decides to go into digital marketing. In fact, some of us are dragged into it like a toddler who doesn’t want to go to the dentist. If you start a business, you become a marketer whether you want to or not. I mean, that is if...
by Karen Carps | Feb 8, 2022 | Social Media
Last fall, Facebook had a pretty major outage. By major, I mean the whole thing went down and took Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp and others with it. There’s even an entry about it on Wikipedia to mark the occasion. For those who run their entire organizations...
by Karen Carps | Sep 23, 2021 | Web Design
We are such social creatures. Well, maybe not during a pandemic, although I don’t think that’s by choice. As much as we admonish our kids about caving to peer pressure, we still feel safe going “along with the crowd”. How many times have you or...
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