Homeward Questionnaire Step 1 of 4 25% General InformationName First Last Email Enter Email Confirm Email What is your position at Homeward? SoftwareWhat software do you use regularly? (other than Microsoft)Check all that apply. Canva Google Docs Google Sheets Adobe Acrobat (full version) HCIS Zoom Other If other, please specify.How do you login to Canva? I have my own account. I use a shared account. How do you login to Adobe? I have my own account. I use a shared account. What software do you use for scheduling?Check all that apply. Doodle Google Calendar Outlook Calendly Something else If something else, please specify. File StorageWhere do you store files?Check all that apply. My computer's hard drive Microsoft Teams Sharepoint OneDrive Google Drive Other If other, please specify.What do you use to share files with those *within* Homeward?Check all that apply. I email back and forth Microsoft Teams Sharepoint OneDrive Google Drive Other If other, please specify.What do you use to share files with those *outside of* Homeward?Check all that apply. I email back and forth Microsoft Teams Sharepoint OneDrive Google Drive Other If other, please specify.Please list those within Homeward with whom you are *most likely* to share files. FeedbackBe honest here. If we don't know your frustrations, we can't make improvements.How often do you waste time looking for organization documents you should be able to find easily? I never do! Occasionally. I do this pretty often. OMG, ALL THE TIME. MAKE IT STOP! How much time do you think you lose on this per day? None. I'm the picture of proficiency. Not many. Maybe 5 minutes or fewer. At least 10-20. A bunch. 30 minutes is a good estimate. TOO MANY TO COUNT AND IT MAKES ME CRAZY. What is working well with file sharing?What are your biggest frustrations?If I could wave a magic wand and make file sharing easier, what would change?Any other comments about technology and file sharing at Homeward? Δ